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Upload data


How to upload files

Data can be uploaded to IDEAS using one of the following methods:

Upload button

Click the Upload button in the bottom toolbar (this will prompt you to select files from your device). You may select multiple files at once.

Data table

Provided you have at least one Recording row and data Column, either click the upload icon in the table (see image below) or drag and drop the corresponding file directly into the cell.


Files can be uploaded directly from the DAQ box using the Inscopix Data Acquisition Software (IDAS). Note that in order to use this method, you will need to ensure the following:

  • You are running IDAS version 2.2 or later.
  • Your DAQ box is connected to the internet.

Upload Process

Uploading files from IDAS to IDEAS involves two steps:

  1. Uploading the file(s) from the Inscopix DAQ box (using your computer browser) to the IDEAS platform.
    • This requires a constant internet connection between your computer and IDEAS (i.e., you cannot close the browser) and will only be as fast as your internet speed.
  2. Identifying the file, extracting metadata, and generating previews.
    • This step occurs on IDEAS and does NOT require any internet connection between your computer and IDEAS. You may close the browser on your computer and this step will continue to proceed in the background.
    • When a file has uploaded and is being 'processed' in IDEAS, it will appear grey with dotted edges.
    • Refer to the Supported Files section for the types of files recognized in IDEAS.

Instructions for Uploading Files from IDAS to IDEAS:

  1. Using IDAS, open the File Manager.
  2. On the right panel, click the IDEAS button as highlighted below.

  3. Log in using the authentication pop-up panel (shown below) and enter your username, password, and geographical region (us: United States, jp: Japan, eu: Europe). Click Connect to complete the login. After successfully logging in, you should see the IDEAS button turn green.

  4. Use the drop-down menus to select an IDEAS account and a project from the selected account. Data will be uploaded to the project selected.

  5. Use the File Manager left panel to navigate to the files on the DAQ you want to upload to IDEAS.

  6. Add files to the IDEAS panel using one of the methods listed below. Files will appear in the right panel as they are added to the queue. Files not yet uploaded to IDEAS will show a status of Pending (as shown in image below).

    • Drag and drop files one at a time from the left panel to the right panel.
    • Select files from the left panel and click the Copy File(s) icon.
  7. Click the Upload icon to initiate the upload to IDEAS. All files with a status of Pending will be uploaded. If there's a file you don't want to upload, select the file in the right panel and click the Remove icon to remove it from the queue. A notification window will appear with the upload progress. After files have successfully uploaded, the status will update to Completed and you should see your files in IDEAS.


  • Files uploaded to IDEAS via IDAS will NOT be assigned to a dataset. In order to see your files in IDEAS, create/navigate to a dataset, open the File Browser, and filter by No Dataset Assigned. You may then proceed to organize your files.

  • IDEAS may not automatically identify the file type for an uploaded data. For example, files with the same extension (e.g., .zip or .csv) could be one of several file types. You will need to manually specify the file type by clicking the Change file type icon in the File Browser and selecting a file type from the menu as illustrated below. Selecting a supported file type will trigger preview generation and metadata extraction (the image below shows the same file before selecting a file type where no metadata or preview are available, and after selecting a file type where metadata and a preview are available).

Check upload progress

You can see the progress for files that are uploading in a few ways:

  1. Click to open the upload notification window (top right corner). Here you will see one of three statuses for uploads: files uploaded, files uploading, and failed uploads. This is a global notification which you will be able to see even when navigating away from the current dataset.

  2. All data uploaded to IDEAS will appear in the File Browser. Statuses for uploads will be similarly color coded as above.

  3. If you uploaded data directly to a recording within the data table, you will similarly see the status for the upload.

Supported files

Any file can be uploaded and stored on the platform. The following file extensions are supported for data processing.

Type File Extensions
Inscopix .isxd*, .isxc, .isxb, .gpio, .imu
Movie .mp4, .avi
Image .png, .tiff
Tabular data .csv, .tsv
Experiment annotations .parquet
Timestamp events .h5
Neurodata Without Borders (NWB) .nwb
Any .zip

*Supported .isxd files include: movies, cell sets, neural events, and vessel diameters.

Other file types

Other file types can be uploaded for storage and organization purposes, but IDEAS will not support previewing of these files.