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suite2p spike deconvolution

Compute Credits

This tool uses 2.0 compute credits per hour.


This suite2p spike deconvolution tool is a wrapper for the suite2p functions extraction.preprocess() and extraction.oasis(), called in run_s2p().
You can find more information on this processing step in the suite2p docs.

suite2p spike deconvolution infers underlying spike events from the neuropil-corrected fluorescence traces using spike deconvolution based on the OASIS algorithm.
Note that this tool constitutes the first step of Run suite2p pipeline.

Input files

Source Parameter File Type File Format
Fluorescence Traces File suite2p_data npy
Neuropil Fluorescence Traces File suite2p_data npy
Parameters File config npy


Parameter suite2p name Required? Default Description
Fluorescence Traces File - True N/A Input fluorescence traces file, as outputted by the ROI extraction step [.npy]
Neuropil Fluorescence Traces File - True N/A Input neuropil fluorescence traces file, as outputted by the ROI extraction step [.npy]
Parameters File - True N/A Input suite2p parameters file, as outputted by the ROI extraction tool [.npy]
Tau tau False 1.0 [from suite2p docs] "The timescale of the sensor (in seconds), used for deconvolution kernel. The kernel is fixed to have this decay and is not fit to the data. We recommend: 0.7 for GCaMP6f; 1.0 for GCaMP6m; 1.25-1.5 for GCaMP6s." [float, =0.001]
Neuropil Coefficient neucoeff False 0.7 [from suite2p docs] "Neuropil coefficient for all ROIs." [float, =0]
Baseline baseline False maximin [from suite2p docs] "How to compute the baseline of each trace. This baseline is then subtracted from each cell. 'maximin' computes a moving baseline by filtering the data with a Gaussian of width ops['sig_baseline'] * ops['fs'], and then minimum filtering with a window of ops['win_baseline'] * ops['fs'], and then maximum filtering with the same window. 'constant' computes a constant baseline by filtering with a Gaussian of width ops['sig_baseline'] * ops['fs'] and then taking the minimum value of this filtered trace. 'constant_percentile' computes a constant baseline by taking the ops['prctile_baseline'] percentile of the trace." [str, ['maximin', 'constant', 'constant_percentile']]
Window Baseline win_baseline False 60.0 [from suite2p docs] "Window for maximin filter in seconds." [float, 0]
Sig Baseline sig_baseline False 10.0 [from suite2p docs] "Gaussian filter width in seconds, used before maximin filtering or taking the minimum value of the trace, ops['baseline'] = 'maximin' or 'constant'." [float, 0]
Percentile Baseline prctile_baseline False 8.0 [from suite2p docs] "Percentile of trace to use as baseline if ops['baseline'] = 'constant_percentile'." [float, 0]
Number of Sample Cells - False 20 Number of sample cells for the spike deconvolution preview [int, >0]
Random Seed - False 0 Random seed for selecting sample cells [int, >=0]
Show Non-Sample Cells' Footprints - False True Whether or not to show footprints of non-sample cells on the cell footprint FOV image. If False, only footprints of sample cells are displayed [bool]

Output files

File name File type Notes
spks.npy NumPy file Contains deconvolved spikes for all extracted ROIs, as a 2D array.
ops_spike_deconvolution.npy NumPy file Contains a dictionary of parameters populated by suite2p spike deconvolution.

You can explore 3 preview figures for spks.npy.
You can find below an example of these previews obtained from processing a 5-minute 2P movie of mouse cortex (data courtesy of Dr. Ahmet Arac, MD, at UCLA):

Footprints of the sample sources.
Raster plot of the deconvolved spikes.
Sample fluorescence traces, neuropil traces, and deconvolved spikes (suite2p style).