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Average DeepLabCut Keypoints

Compute Credits

This tool uses 1.0 compute credits per hour.

DeepLabCut is an open-source library for pose estimation based on deep learning. By applying a pre-trained DeepLabCut model on a behavior movie, pose estimates can be generated for every frame of the movie. For example, the Inscopix Bottom View Mouse Pose Estimation tool applies a pre-trained DeepLabCut model on Inscopix behavior movies and generates an output of pose estimates.

Each pose estimate consists of a set of keypoints (i.e., x and y coordinates), where each keypoint corresponds to a fixed anatomical location on an animal. This tool aggregates that information. For every DeepLabCut pose estimate, it averages all the keypoints. This can be used as a proxy for animal center of mass (COM), which can then be used for further analysis, such as computing speed or labeling states of rest and movement.


Parameter Required? Default Description
Annotations File True N/A The input experiment annotations file containing: DeepLabCut keypoints, timestamps for each frame that can be used for downstream synchronization with neural data. Valid file formats are: .parquet and .csv.
Movie File False N/A The parent movie that generated the DeepLabCut keypoint estimates. If this is passed, a movie preview will be generated for the experiment annotations output with each frame of the parent movie labeled with the average keypoint estimate. Valid file formats are: .isxb, .mp4, .avi
Output Annotations Format True Parquet The file format of the output annotations file.
Keypoints To Exclude False N/A List of keypoints, separated by commas, to exclude from the average computation. If empty, then no keypoints are excluded.
Likelihood Threshold True 0.6 Drop keypoints below this likelihood threshold.
Median Filter Length True 1 Length of the median filter applied to the estimates of each keypoint. Set to 1 for no smoothing.
Interpolate Nans True True Flag indicating whether to interpolate over nans.
Drop Keypoint Jumps True False Flag indicating whether to correct for jumps in keypoints.
Max Distance Between Keypoint and Mean True 300.0 If drop keypoint jumps is true, the maximum distance between a keypoint and the average of all keypoints for a given frame. Drop any keypoints that exceed this threshold (generally much larger than a mouse body). Units of threshold are in pixels.
Max Distance Between Keypoints True 400.0 If drop keypoint jumps is true, the maximum distance between any pair of keypoints for a given frame. Drop the entire frame if the distance between any pair of keypoints exceeds this threshold. Units of threshold are in pixels.
Min Keypoints True 1 Minimum number of keypoints required per frame (i.e., not nans). Drop frames below this threshold. Set to 1 for no thresholding.



The tool expects inputs to be in the IDEAS experiment annotations format, which requires annotations to be structured in a table with one time-point (i.e., frame) per row, and one or more columns for annotations (e.g., x and y).

The tool also expects the annotations to contain three columns for every body part estimated by DeepLabCut, <body_part> x, <body_part> y, and <body_part> likelihood, where <body_part> is the name of a body part estimated by the DeepLabCut model. The tool will automatically detect these columns and construct a set of unique body part names, and then average keypoints across all body parts.

An example of an acceptable input to this tool is the experiment annotations output file generated by the Inscopix Bottom View Mouse Pose Estimation tool.

Valid Inputs

Source Parameter File Type File Format
Annotations File experiment_annotations, experiment_annotations csv, parquet
Movie File nvision_movie, movie, movie isxb, mp4, avi


Before averaging keypoints, the tool applies the following filtering steps to remove noise and outliers from the keypoint estimates:

  1. Exclude keypoints: Drop keypoint columns specified by the Keypoints To Exclude parameter. This can be helpful when there are certain keypoints estimated by the model which are unreliable. For instance, outputs of the Inscopix Bottom View Mouse Pose Estimation tool can have noisy estimates for tail_tip, so it's often recommended to exclude that body part from this analysis.
  2. Drop keypoints with low likelihood: Drop keypoint (x, y) estimates in the input annotations if the corresponding likelihood of the keypoint is below the Likelihood Threshold parameter.
  3. Drop keypoints far from average: This step is only executed if the Drop Keypoint Jumps parameter is set to True. Drop any keypoint (x, y) estimates in the input annotations if distance between the keypoint and the corresponding average of all keypoints is greater than the Max Distance Between Keypoint and Mean parameter.
  4. Drop keypoints far from each other: This step is only executed if the Drop Keypoint Jumps parameter is set to True. Drop any rows in the input annotations if distance between any two keypoints is greater than the Max Distance Between Keypoints parameter.
  5. Drop rows that have less than min keypoints: Drop any rows in the input annotations where the number of keypoints estimated (i.e., not NaN/undefined) is less than the Min Keypoints parameter.
  6. Apply median filter: Apply a median filter on each column of the input annotations. If the Median Filter Length parameter is one, then no filtering is performed.


Average Keypoints

The average keypoints are output in IDEAS experiment annotations format. This file can be either a .parquet or .csv file depending on the Output Annotations Format parameter.

The file will contain two columns Average keypoint x and Average keypoint y, containing the results of the tool. In addition, it will also propagate any additional columns from the input annotations that do not contain keypoint estimates. For instance, when running this tool on the output of the Inscopix Bottom View Mouse Pose Estimation tool, it will propagate the columns Frame number, Time since start (s), and Hardware counter (us). These columns contain important timing metadata about the results, which wil be used in downstream analyses in order to map these behavior results to neural data. The following table shows an example of this file:

Frame number Time since start (s) Hardware counter (us) Average keypoint x Average keypoint y
0 0.0 247903537725.0 494.0040043422154 415.5110539027623
1 0.052012 247903589737.0 494.3198699951172 417.40072195870533
2 0.100012 247903637737.0 493.55603681291853 424.491446358817
3 0.15201 247903689735.0 491.2410409109933 429.7851126534598
4 0.200012 247903737737.0 488.97420610700334 430.5046822684152
... ... ... ... ...


The output annotations file will have the following previews which visualize the results.

Average keypoint trajectory colored by time:

This preview shows the average keypoints plotted in the input field of view (FOV). Each point is colored by time, where keypoints occurring earlier in the movie are plotted with cooler colors, and keypoints occurring later in the movie are plotted with warmer colors. This plot can provide insight on which areas of the FOV the animal was in throughout the duration of the recording.

Preview for average keypoint trajectory, colored by time.

Average keypoint pixel density heatmap:

This preview also shows the average keypoints plotted in the input FOV. However, in this preview, each point is colored by density, that is, the number of times the average keypoint occurred in a particular pixel of the FOV. This plot can highlight the areas of the FOV the animal spent the most time in.

Preview for average keypoint trajectory, colored by time.

The color bar of this plot uses a logarithmic scale, since there are generally many pixels with low density, and few pixels with high density. In addition, the maximum value of the color bar is capped to the 99th percentile of density. This is to prevent the colors in the plot from saturating due to a very small percent of pixels with very high density. For instance, in the figure above, the 99th percentile of density is 6. This is why the top end of the color bar is labeled with [6, 32], indicating all pixels with a density in the range 6 - 32 are colored with the top color in the color map.

Movie annotated with average keypoints:

This preview is a movie with the frames of the input movie annotated with an orange circle representing the corresponding average keypoint. This preview is only generated if the parent movie of the input annotations is passed to the Input Movie File parameter. This annotated movie can help determine the quality of the results, by showing whether or not the average keypoint actually represents something close to the animal COM.

Preview for input movie annotated with average keypoints.

Next Steps

After running this tool, use the outputs as input to the Compute Locomotion Metrics tool. This tool will compute instantaneous speed and label states of rest and movement from the averaged keypoints.