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Convert Parquet to CSV


This tool allows you to convert a .parquet experiment annotations file to a .csv file.

Use this tool if you want to use this data in another application that requires data to be in this format.

Compute Credits

This tool uses 1.0 compute credits per hour.


Parameter Required? Default Description
Annotations File(s) True N/A Annotations in IDEAS format. File(s) with time column and a column specifying annotations at each time point.


Valid Inputs

Source Parameter File Type File Format
Annotations File(s) unknown, experiment_annotations parquet, parquet


CSV file

CSV file containing input data.

An example output may look like this:

frame time state
0 0 not_defined
1 0.099922 not_defined
2 0.199844 Fourth Quadrant
3 0.299766 Fourth Quadrant
4 0.399688 Fourth Quadrant