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CaImAn Cell Extraction Workflow

Compute Credits

This tool uses 2.0 compute credits per hour.


CaImAn1 is an open-source computational toolbox for large scale Calcium Imaging Analysis, including movie handling, motion correction, source extraction, spike deconvolution and result visualization. The CaImAn cell extraction workflow offered on IDEAS is compatible with both 1P and 2P data. The workflow performs motion correction using the NorMCorre algorithm2, cell identification using the CNMF/CNMF-E algorithm3, and automated component evaluation.

graph LR A[Motion Correction] --> B[Cell Identification] --> C[Automated Accept/Reject Cells];


The workflow supports individual movies and movie series. Once the input movie is selected, an optional parameter file may be selected and used to override the parameters specified in the analysis table. The input files and processing parameters are listed in the table below.


Parameter Required? Default Description
Movie(s) True N/A Single movie file or movie series (isxd, tif, tiff, avi)
Optional Parameters File False N/A JSON file containing CaImAn processing parameters
Overwrite Analysis Table Parameters True False If True and a parameters file has been selected, the analysis table columns will be overwritten by the values contained in the parameters file.
fr False auto Imaging rate in frames per second. If set to 'auto', the frame rate will be automatically determined based on file metadata. If no such metadata is available, CaImAn will default to 30 frames per second.
decay_time False 0.4 Length of a typical calcium transient in seconds
dxy False 1.0 Spatial resolution of the field of view in pixels per um
motion_correct False True If True, motion correction will be performed
pw_rigid False False If True, piecewise-rigid motion correction will be performed. If False, rigid motion correction will be performed.
gSig_filt False 3 Size of the kernel used for high-pass spatial filtering of the data. If unspecified, no spatial filtering will be performed during motion correction. Applying a high-pass spatial filter may improve performance on 1P data by delineating edges and sharpening the images. Such filtering may not be needed for 2P data and could be left unspecified.
max_shifts False 5 Maximum shift per dimension in pixels during motion correction
strides False 48 The stride controls the shift in pixels between patches of the field of view during piecewise-rigid registration
overlaps False 24 Overlap between patches in pixels during piecewise-rigid motion correction
max_deviation_rigid False 3 Maximum deviation in pixels between rigid shifts and shifts of individual patches
border_nan False copy Strategy for handling NaN values along the boundaries. 'True' will allow NaN values along the boundaries, 'False' will replace any NaN with 0, 'copy' will replace any NaN with the value of the nearest data point, and 'min' will replace any NaN with the minimum value in the image.
p False 1 Order of the autoregressive model used to deconvolve the indicator temporal dynamics
K False auto Number of components to be found per patch. If set to 'auto', the number of components will automatically be estimated. If 'rf' is unspecified (i.e. single patch), 'K' will correspond to the number of cells in the entire field of view.
gSig False 3 Radius of an average neuron in pixels
gSiz False 7 Half-size of the bounding box for each neuron
merge_thr False 0.7 Trace correlation threshold for merging two components
rf False 40 Half-size of a patch in pixels. If unspecified, the entire field of view will be processed as a single patch.
stride False 20 Overlap between neighboring patches in pixels
tsub False 2 Temporal downsampling factor
ssub False 1 Spatial downsampling factor
method_init False corr_pnr Method used for initializing cellular components. Use 'corr_pnr' for 1P data, 'greedy_roi' for 2P data, and 'sparse_NMF' for dendritic data.
min_corr False 0.85 Minimum value of the correlation image for identifying a candidate component during 'corr_pnr' initialization
min_pnr False 12 Minimum value of the peak-to-noise-ratio (pnr) image for identifying a candidate component during 'corr_pnr' initialization
ssub_B False 2 Spatial downsampling factor to use when estimating the background activity during 'corr_pnr' initialization
ring_size_factor False 1.4 Multiple of the radius of an average neuron (gSig) to use for computing the radius of the ring model used for estimating the background activity during 'corr_pnr' initialization
method_deconvolution False oasis Method for solving the constrained deconvolution of temporal traces
update_background_components False True If True, the spatial background components will be updated in each iteration of the algorithm
del_duplicates False True If True, duplicate components in the overlapping regions between neighboring patches will be deleted. If False, a merging procedure will be used to determine whether the components are similar enough to be merged.
nb False 0 Number of global background components. Set to 0 for 1P data. A default value of 1 may be used for 2P data.
low_rank_background False False If True, the background will be updated using low-rank approximation. If False, all nonzero elements of the background components will be updated using the Hierarchical Alternating Least Squares (HALS) algorithm. Set to False for 1P data and True for 2P data.
nb_patch False 0 Number of local background components per patch. Set to 0 for 1P data. A default value of 1 may be used for 2P data.
rolling_sum False True If True, a rolling sum will be used for determining candidate centroids during 'greedy_roi' initialization. If False, a full sum will be used.
only_init False True If True, the values after initialization will be returned
normalize_init False False If True, pixel values will be normalized by their respective median intensity across the input movies
center_psf False True If True, merge overlapping components by taking the best neuron. Set to True for 1P data and False for 2P data.
bas_nonneg False False If True, a non-negative baseline will be used. If False, the baseline will be greater than or equal to the minimum value, which could be negative.
border_pix False 0 Number of pixels to exclude around each border
refit False False If True, the initial estimates will be refined by re-running the CNMF algorithm seeded on the spatial estimates from the previous step
SNR_lowest False 0.5 Minimum signal-to-noise ratio required for a trace to be accepted. Traces with a signal-to-noise ratio below this will be rejected
min_SNR False 3 Trace signal-to-noise ratio threshold. Traces with signal-to-noise ratios above this will be accepted
rval_lowest False -1 Minimum spatial correlation required for a component to be accepted. Components with spatial correlation below this will be rejected
rval_thr False 0.85 Spatial correlation threshold. Components with spatial correlation higher than this will be accepted
use_cnn True False If True, a pretrained convolutional neural network (CNN) will be used for accepting/rejecting components. The model was trained on 2P data and may not be applicable to 1P data.
cnn_lowest False 0.1 Minimum CNN classifier score required to accept components. Components with scores lower than this will be rejected
gSig_range False N/A List of neuron sizes to compare when using the CNN classifier. If unspecified, the CNN classifier will be applied using a neuron size equal to 'gSig'. If multiple values are provided, the CNN classifier will be tested will each one and the predictions of the best-performing run returned.
min_cnn_thr False 0.9 CNN classifier score threshold. Components with scores higher than this will be accepted
n_processes False 7 Number of processes used to analyze patches in parallel

Optional Parameters File Format

A json file may be uploaded to IDEAS and used to specify CaImAn's processing parameters. To override the analysis table parameters with the parameters specified in the json file supplied, the Overwrite Analysis Table Parameters parameter must be set to True. Sample parameter files from CaImAn are included below for reference.

Sample 1P Parameters File

    "data": {
        "fr": 10,
        "decay_time": 0.4
    "init": {
        "method_init": "corr_pnr",
        "K": null,
        "gSig": [3, 3],
        "gSiz": [13, 13],
        "ssub": 1,
        "tsub": 2,
        "nb": 0,
        "min_corr": 0.8,
        "min_pnr": 10,
        "normalize_init": false,
        "center_psf": true,
        "ssub_B": 2,
        "ring_size_factor": 1.4
    "motion": {
        "pw_rigid": false,
        "max_shifts": [5, 5],
        "gSig_filt": [3, 3],
        "strides": [48, 48],
        "overlaps": [24, 24],
        "max_deviation_rigid": 3,
        "border_nan": "copy"
    "preprocess": {
        "p": 1
    "temporal": {
        "p": 1,
        "method_deconvolution": "oasis"
    "spatial": {
        "update_background_components": true
    "patch": {
        "rf": 40,
        "stride": 20,
        "only_init": true,
        "nb_patch": 0,
        "low_rank_background": null,
        "del_duplicates": true
    "merging": {
        "merge_thr": 0.7
    "quality": {
        "min_SNR": 2.5,
        "rval_thr": 0.85,
        "use_cnn": false

Sample 2P Parameters File

    "data": {
        "fr": 30,
        "decay_time": 0.4,
        "dxy": [2.0, 2.0]
    "init": {
        "nb": 2,
        "K": 4,
        "gSig": [4, 4],
        "method_init": "greedy_roi",
        "rolling_sum": true,
        "ssub": 2,
        "tsub": 2
    "motion": {
        "pw_rigid": true,
        "max_shifts": [6, 6],
        "strides": [50, 50],
        "overlaps": [24, 24],
        "max_deviation_rigid": 3,
        "border_nan": "copy"
    "preprocess": {
      "p": 1
    "temporal": {
      "p": 1
    "patch": {
        "rf": 15,
        "stride": 6,
        "only_init": true
    "merging": {
      "merge_thr": 0.85
    "quality": {
        "min_SNR": 2,
        "rval_thr": 0.85,
        "use_cnn": true,
        "min_cnn_thr": 0.99,
        "cnn_lowest": 0.1

1P vs 2P Data Processing

The workflow is compatible with both 1P and 2P data. The parameters that control the initialization step as well as how to model background fluctuations can be adjusted based on the input data. The default parameters are set for processing 1P data. The table below summarizes the parameters that may be adjusted based on the desired workflow. None means the parameter is unspecified and the corresponding analysis table cell is left empty. Note that K must be set based on the expected number of components per patch for 2P data.

Parameter 1P 2P
gSig_filt 3 None
K auto 4
method_init corr_pnr greedy_roi
del_duplicates true false
nb 0 2
low_rank_background false true
nb_patch 0 1
normalize_init false true
center_psf true false
bas_nonneg false true
use_cnn false true


The workflow will produce the 4 outputs listed below.

CaImAn Output

hdf5 file containing the model and data produced by CaImAn. This includes the model itself and the results of the algorithm, including cellular footprints, temporal dynamics, spikes, noise estimates, background activity, residuals, and more.

The data preview includes the initialization images used by the algorithm as well as the spatial footprints and raw temporal traces of putative cells detected by CaImAn.

Initialization images used by the algorithm to identify potential neuron centers and initialize spatial footprints. (left) Peak-to-noise ratio (PNR) image generated by computing the level of temporal activity of each pixel as a multiple of the estimated noise level. (middle) Correlation image generated by computing the correlation of each pixel with its 8 immediate neighbors. (right) Search image computed by multiplying the PNR and Correlation images together.
Putative cells detected by CaImAn. (left) Spatial footprints of putative cells detected by CaImAn. Up to 20 cells, chosen across a range of SNRs, are highlighted. The corresponding fluorescent activity traces for the highlighted cells can be seen in the traces preview. (right) Temporal traces of putative cells detected by CaImAn. Temporal activity of selected individual detected cells, chosen pseudorandomly to represent the range of SNRs (and sorted highest to lowest). The corresponding spatial footprints can be seen in the spatial footprints preview.

Raw Cell Set(s)

isxd cell set(s) containing the spatial footprints and raw temporal traces of the cells identified by CaImAn.

Raw cell set. (left) Spatial footprints of putative cells detected by CaImAn. Up to 20 cells, chosen across a range of SNRs, are highlighted. The corresponding fluorescent activity traces for the highlighted cells can be seen in the traces preview. (right) Raw temporal traces of putative cells detected by CaImAn. Temporal activity of selected individual detected cells, chosen pseudorandomly to represent the range of SNRs (and sorted highest to lowest). The corresponding spatial footprints can be seen in the spatial footprints preview.

Denoised Cell Set(s)

isxd cell set(s) containing the spatial footprints and denoised temporal traces of the cells identified by CaImAn.

Denoised cell set. (left) Spatial footprints of putative cells detected by CaImAn. Up to 20 cells, chosen across a range of SNRs, are highlighted. The corresponding fluorescent activity traces for the highlighted cells can be seen in the traces preview. (right) Raw temporal traces of putative cells detected by CaImAn. Temporal activity of selected individual detected cells, chosen pseudorandomly to represent the range of SNRs (and sorted highest to lowest). The corresponding spatial footprints can be seen in the spatial footprints preview.

Neural Events

isxd event set(s) containing the neural events identified by CaImAn.

Detected calcium events. (top) Raster plot of detected events for all neurons; each neuron is a row. (middle) Average population calcium event rate over time. (bottom left) Histogram of calcium event rate. (bottom right) Histogram of mean inter-event interval.