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The downsampling tool allows you to downsample miniscope movies spatially and temporally.


Parameter Required? Default Description
Input Movie Files True N/A paths to the input movie files
Temporal Downsample Factor True 1 Factor by which the movie is to be temporally downsampled
Spatial Downsample Factor True 1 Factor by which the movie is to be spatially downsampled

File Inputs

Source Parameter File Type File Format
Input Movie Files miniscope_movie, miniscope_movie isxd, isxc


Downsampling is used to reduce the data before moving on to further processing and analysis.

Formally, temporal downsampling works by averaging n adjacent frames, where n is the temporal downsample factor. The moving average stride is equal to the temporal downsample factor, which results in non-overlapping groups of frames to be averaged. This is equal to binning the frame data in time (in bins defined by the temporal downsample factor) and the subsequent averaging of each bin. The resulting number of frames equals the original number of frames divided by the temporal downsample factor, rounded down. Spatial downsampling works similarly, except that the spatial bins are non-overlapping sub-images of the original frames.