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Inscopix Bottom View Mouse Pose Estimation

Compute Credits

This tool uses 2.0 compute credits per hour.

DeepLabCut is an open-source library for pose estimation based on deep learning. This tool applies a pre-trained DeepLabCut model to Inscopix behavioral movies recorded from a bottom-up camera view angle.


Parameter Required? Default Description
Behavior Movie True N/A Behavioural movies to analyze. Must be one of the following formats: .isxb, .mp4, and .avi.
Experiment Annotations Format True parquet The file format of the output experiment annotations file. Can be either .parquet or .csv
Crop Rectangle False N/A Draw a cropping rectangle on the input movie which will be used by DeepLabCut to crop movie frames before running the model.
Window Length True 5 Length of the median filter applied on the predictions. Must be an odd number. If zero, then no filtering is applied.
Displayed Body Parts True all Selects the body parts that are plotted in the video. If "all", then all 8 body are plotted. Otherwise a comma-seperated list of strings selects a subset of body parts to plot. E.g., "nose","neck". The body parts available for plotting are: tail_tip, tail_base, R_hind, L_hind, neck, R_fore, L_fore, nose.
P Cutoff True 0.6 Cutoff threshold for predictions when labelling the input movie. If predictions are below the threshold, then they are not displayed.
Dot Size True 5 Size in pixels to draw a point labelling a body part.
Color Map True rainbow Color map used to color body part labels. Any matplotlib colormap name is acceptable.
Keypoints Only True False Only display keypoints, not video frames.
Output Frame Rate False N/A Positive number, output frame rate for labeled video. If None, use the input movie frame rate.
Draw Skeleton True False If True adds a line connecting the body parts, making a skeleton on each frame. The body parts to be connected and the color of these connecting lines are specified by the Color Map.
Trail Points True 0 Number of previous frames whose body parts are plotted in a frame (for displaying history).


The following table summarizes the valid input files types for this tool:

Source Parameter File Type
Behavior Movie nVision Movie [.isxb] or Movie (general) [.mp4, .avi]

The following sections explain in further detail the expected format for these input files.

Behavior Movie

The tool will analyze behavioral movies using the Inscopix Bottom View Pre-Trained Model The behavior movies can be in the one the following file formats: .isxb, .mp4, .avi.

Multiple input movies

The tool can accept multiple behavior movies (of the same file format) as input, applying the model on each movie individually. If the behavior movies are in .isxb file format, then the movies can be constructed into a series on IDEAS and then used as input to the tool as well. See the Outputs section for more information on how outputs are formatted for multiple input movies.

Algorithm Description

This tool consists of three main analysis steps, summarized in the following diagram:

graph TD A[Analyze videos] --> B[Filter predictions]; B[Filter predictions] --> C[Label video];

The first step is running the deeplabcut.analyze_videos API function, documented here. This function takes a path to the DeepLabCut project which contains the trained model to use, and applies that model on the input behavior movies. The output of this step is an h5 file containing the pose estimates of the model.

The second step is running the deeplabcut.filter_predictions API function, documented here. This functions filters the raw pose estimates, removing outliers and noise from the results. The output of this step is also an h5 file containing the filtered pose estimates of the model. This step is recommended in the DeepLabCut documentation, however it can be skipped by setting the Window Length parameter to one.

The third and final step is running the deeplabcut.create_labeled_videos API function, documented here. This function creates a video of the input movie with annotations of the pose estimates results. If filtering is applied on the pose estimates, it will annotate the input movie with the filtered results. Otherwise, the raw pose estimates will be used for annotations. The output of this step is a mp4 file with the annotated movie frames. This result helps to easily visualize and assess the quality of the model results.


This tool employs a pre-trained convolutional deep neural network model for pose estimation. The pre-trained model that is executed by the tool was trained using DeepLabCut, an open-source library for pose estimation using deep learning. The version of DeepLabCut used by the tool is version 2.3.0. The following figure shows an example of the structure of the model.

Structural diagram of the DeepLabCut model.

This figure was adapted from the the DeepLabCut paper.

The pre-trained model tracks 8 different body parts of a mouse (nose, neck, left forepaw, right forepaw, left hindpaw, right hindpaw, tail base, and tailtip), as illustrated in the figure below.

Mapping of model key points to body parts on a mouse.


In order to generalize well across different behavioral movies, the model was trained across a number of bottom view movies with different lighting conditions and environments. The following table summarizes the types of movies that were used to train the model.

Lighting Condition Arena/Environment Number of Movies Number of Frames (overall)
White Light Open Field 10 200
IR Light Open Field 13 750
IR Light Social Preference Test 3 115

Overall, the model was trained on a total of 26 movies, 1065 frames, across 2 lighting conditions and 2 arenas/environments. The figure below shows examples of these different types of movies.

Example of behavioral movies used for model training.

In addition, data augmentation was used (imgaug) to extend further model generalization, e.g., to black and white movies and to a range of mouse sizes and image contrast and sharpness.

The model was trained over 1000000 iterations, and the snapshot (model coefficients) minimizing the test set error was selected (min. error of 5.07 pixels at 420000 iterations).


This model produces three different outputs. Each output corresponds to a step that is executed by the tool.

Pose Estimates H5 File

An .h5 file containing the model predictions. The predictions are stored as a MultiIndex Pandas Array. The files contains the name of the network, body part name, (x, y) label position in pixels, and the likelihood (i.e., how confident the model was to place the body part label at those coordinates) for each frame per body part. The following figure shows an example of this output.

Example of a pose estimates H5 file.


If the Window Length parameter is set to one, then no filtering is performed and the raw pose estimates (aka coordinates or keypoints) are output. Otherwise if the Window Length is greater than one, then filtering is performed and the filtered pose estimates are output.

Multiple input movies

If there are multiple input movies, a pose estimates.h5 file is created for each movie.


Each pose estimates file will have the following previews to visualize the data stored in these files. All of these figures are generated using the plot_trajectories DeepLabCut API function.


The first preview is a histogram plot of the consecutive differences in x and y coordinates for each body part. This plot can help determine if there's any outliers in the results based on significant jumps in the coordinates of a body part. Ideally the distribution for each body part should be close to zero.

Example histogram preview of a pose estimates H5 file.

Likelihood vs. Time Plot:

The second preview is plot of the likelihood of each body part over time. This plot can help identify body parts or time periods where likelihood is low, indicating less reliable results from the model to filter in subsequent analysis.

Example likelihood plot preview of a pose estimates H5 file.

Body Parts vs. Time Plot:

The third preview is a plot of the x & y coordinates of each body part over time. This plot can help identify how the position of body parts changes over time.

Example coordinate plot preview of a pose estimates H5 file.

Body Parts Trajectory:

The fourth preview is a plot of the x & y coordinates of each body part plotted spatially in the FOV (field of view). This plot can help identify where the location of body parts in the FOV throughout the duration of the input movies.

Example trajectory preview of a pose estimates H5 file.

Experiment Annotations File

The pose estimates in IDEAS experiment annotations format. This can be either a .csv or .parquet file depending on the Experiment Annotations Format parameter. The following figure shows an example of this output. Note: Only a subset of the model body parts are shown in the figure.

Frame number Movie number Local frame number Time since start (s) Hardware counter (us) tail_tip x tail_tip y tail_tip likelihood tail_base x tail_base y tail_base likelihood R_hind x R_hind y R_hind likelihood L_hind x L_hind y L_hind likelihood neck x neck y neck likelihood R_fore x R_fore y R_fore likelihood L_fore x L_fore y L_fore likelihood nose x nose y nose likelihood
0 0 0 0 2.47904E+11 564.8240966796875 317.3860778808594 0.9447007775306702 509.9263000488281 351.1965332 0.9994614124298096 528.3774414 390.61273193359375 0.9971207976341248 476.92999267578125 352.4303283691406 0.977459729 491.11468505859375 454.84625244140625 0.9713097810745239 492.2207031 422.94659423828125 0.9939277768135071 467.0288086 440.4466247558594 0.9846889972686768 488.8327637 484.03619384765625 0.9942392706871033
1 0 1 0.052012 2.47904E+11 565.0961914 323.2819824 0.34924545884132385 509.9263000488281 356.41339111328125 0.9949443936347961 528.3774414 391.04302978515625 0.9976459741592407 476.92999267578125 358.0550842285156 0.8112503886222839 492.7936706542969 461.8389892578125 0.8834290504455566 492.35577392578125 423.30364990234375 0.9897199869155884 469.6249694824219 445.0766296386719 0.989734411 490.6102600097656 492.1567687988281 0.9948519468307495
2 0 2 0.100012 2.47904E+11 566.8184814453125 525.7069091796875 0.6965065002441406 509.9263000488281 358.21875 0.9983623623847961 528.3774414 391.3701477050781 0.9962753653526306 476.92999267578125 362.00274658203125 0.9659325480461121 492.7936706542969 467.57122802734375 0.98145169 492.7096862792969 430.7136535644531 0.9121096134185791 470.1773986816406 445.0766296386719 0.7179741859436035 490.6102600097656 494.5678405761719 0.9978989958763123
3 0 3 0.15201 2.47904E+11 566.8184814453125 525.7069091796875 0.8461886644363403 498.8354492 362.7205505371094 0.9997307658195496 527.5282592773438 391.3701477050781 0.9964771270751953 459.6620178222656 398.22320556640625 0.9799673557281494 492.7936706542969 467.57122802734375 0.9810561537742615 496.5051574707031 451.73236083984375 0.9870792627334595 470.1773986816406 444.61700439453125 0.9764858484268188 490.6102600097656 494.5678405761719 0.9971500039100647
4 0 4 0.200012 2.47904E+11 566.8184814453125 525.7069091796875 0.9621436595916748 498.6442565917969 362.7205505371094 0.9995316863059998 527.5282592773438 391.4361267089844 0.9963982105255127 459.53948974609375 400.02703857421875 0.9914501905441284 487.4304199 467.57122802734375 0.9598495960235596 496.5051574707031 451.73236083984375 0.9904251098632812 470.1773986816406 444.1321105957031 0.9979997873306274 479.2045898 496.55084228515625 0.9930460453033447

For every body part estimated by the model, there are three columns that are output: x, y, and likelihood. In addition, there is a Frame Number column in the output labeling every frame of the input movie analyzed. In addition, the following columns are included:

  • Frame number: The frame number in the input movie. If there are multiple input movies, this column will refer to the global frame number across the frames in all the input movies.
  • Movie number: The movie number that the frame is from, within the multiple input movies.
  • Local frame number: The frame number within the individual movie that the frame is from.
  • Time since start (s): Timestamp in seconds for every frame of the input movie, relative to the start of the movie.
  • Hardware counter (us): Only included for .isxb input movies. This column contains the hardware counter timestamps in microseconds for every frame of the input movie. These are the hardware counter values generated by the nVision system which can be compared to corresponding hardware counter values in .isxd, .gpio, and .imufiles from the same synchronized recording. These timestamps will be used downstream in the Map Annotations to ISXD Data tool in order map frames from annotations to isxd data, so the two datasets can be compared for analysis.

Multiple input movies

If there are multiple input movies, there will still only be one experiment annotations file, which concatenates the pose estimates across all input movies into a single result.

Labeled MP4 File (for visualization)

A .mp4 file containing the model predictions annotated on every frame of the input movie. The following figure shows an example of this output.

Example frame of a labeled movie output.

Multiple input movies

If there are multiple input movies, a labeled movie .mp4 file is created for each movie.

Next Steps

Here are some examples of subsequent analyses that can be executed using the outputs of this tool:

  1. Average DeepLabCut Keypoints: Average the keypoint estimates in each frame of the tool output, and use this to represent the mouse center of mass (COM).
  2. Compute Locomotion Metrics: Compute instantaneous speed and label states of rest and movement from averaged keypoints.
  3. Compare Neural Activity Across States: Compute population activity during states of rest and movement from locomotion metrics.
  4. Compare Neural Circuit Correlations Across States: Compute correlations of cell activity during states of rest and movement from locomotion metrics.
  5. Combine and Compare Population Activity Data: Combine and compare population activity from multiple recordings and compare across states of rest and movement.
  6. Combine and Compare Correlation Data: Combine and compare correlations data from multiple recordings and compare across states of rest and movement.