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Combine and Compare Neural Activity Across Epochs

Compute Credits

This tool uses 1.0 compute credits per hour.


This tool combines trace, events, and correlation metrics during different epochs from the Compare Neural Activity Across Epochs tool from multiple recordings and statistically compares them using ANOVA. If only one group is provided, the tool will calculate a 1-way ANOVA, as well as pair-wise comparisons between the epochs. If two groups are provided, the tool will calculate a 1-way ANOVA for each group, as well as a 2-way mixed-design ANOVA to compare the two groups. The tool will also perform pair-wise comparisons between the groups for each epoch, calculating the effect size and significance.

The tool will perform separate comparisons for the average trace activity, event rate, average positive correlation, and average negative correlation. The event rate and correlation files are optional, and the tool will only perform the comparisons for the files that are provided.

To perform the statistical test, the user can choose:

  • Which multiple-comparison correction method to use (Bonferroni, Sidak, Holm, Benjamini-Hochberg, or Benjamini-Yekutieli, or none).
  • Which effect size to calculate (Cohen's d, Hedges' g, r, eta-squared, odds ratio, area under the curve, or Common Language Effect Size).


Parameter Required? Default Description
Group 1 Trace Files True N/A Group 1 Trace Files
Group 2 Trace Files False N/A Group 2 Trace Files
Group 1 Eventrate Files False N/A Group 1 Eventrate Files
Group 2 Eventrate Files False N/A Group 2 Eventrate Files
Group 1 Correlation Files False N/A Group 1 Correlation Files
Group 2 Correlation Files False N/A Group 2 Correlation Files
Name of Epochs True Epoch 1, Epoch 2, Epoch 3 List of names of epochs
Name of the first group True N/A Name of the first group
Name of the second group False N/A Name of the second group
Epoch Color Palette True tab:grey, tab:blue, tab:cyan A list of strings to assign a color to each epoch
Color of the first group True tab:red Color of the first group
Color of the second group True tab:orange Color of the second group
Multiple Comparison Correction Method True bonf Method to correct for multiple comparisons
Effect Size Method True cohen Method to calculate effect size

Input Files

The inputs to this tool are a list of epoch activity metrics files that are generated from the Compare Neural Activity Across Epochs tool.

Input File Requirements

  • Each group must contain at least two recordings, otherwise the tool will terminate.

  • All input files must be generated using the same number of epochs, using the same epoch names. However, the length of the epochs can vary between recordings.

Source Parameter File Type File Format
Group 1 Trace Files epoch_activity_data csv
Group 2 Trace Files epoch_activity_data csv
Group 1 Eventrate Files epoch_activity_data csv
Group 2 Eventrate Files epoch_activity_data csv
Group 1 Correlation Files epoch_activity_data npy
Group 2 Correlation Files epoch_activity_data npy

Algorithm Description

The tool is summarized using a flowchart below.

graph TD A[Combine files from first group] --> B[Compare data of the first group using 1-way ANOVA]; B --> C[Compare data of the first group using pairwise comparisons with multiple comparison correction]; D[If Group 2 files are provided] --> E[Combine files from second group]; E --> F[Compare data of the second group using 1-way ANOVA]; F --> G[Compare data of the second group using pairwise comparisons with multiple comparison correction]; G --> H[Combine files from both groups if provided]; C -->H; H --> I[Compare data of the two input groups using 2-way mixed effects ANOVA]; I --> J[Compare data of the two input groups using pairwise comparisons with multiple comparison correction];

The tool begins by combining the data from each group. Then the two groups are compared to determine if there is statistically significant difference between average trace activity levels, the eventrate, the average positive correlation, or the average negative correlation.


The combination step is performed independently for each input group. The combination step concatenates the data from each recording end to end, retaining all original columns, adds a column to indicate the source file, and a column indicating the datatype of the cell.

1-way ANOVA

The 1-way ANOVA is performed for each group and each metric (trace, event rate, positive correlation, negative correlation) to determine if there is a significant difference between the epochs. The ANOVA is performed using the pingouin.anova function from the pingouin package.

Mixed-Design ANOVA

The mixed-design ANOVA is performed when two groups are provided. The mixed-design ANOVA is performed using the pingouin.mixed_anova function from the pingouin package. The mixed-design ANOVA is used to determine if there is a significant difference between the groups, epochs, and the interaction between the two.

Pairwise Comparisons

Before any comparisons are made, the data is checked for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk test. If the data is not normally distributed, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test is used instead of the t-test.

The pairwise comparisons are made using the pingouin.pairwise_ttests function from the pingouin package. The effect size and multiple comparison correction used are determined by the user.

Effect Size Calculation Options

Method Description
Cohen's d A measure of effect size that expresses the difference between two means in standard deviation units.
Hedges' g Similar to Cohen's d, but includes a correction for small sample sizes, providing a more accurate estimate of effect size.
r eta-squared (η²) A measure of the proportion of variance in a dependent variable that is associated with one or more independent variables.
Odds ratio A measure of association between two binary variables, representing the odds of an event occurring in one group versus another.
Area under the curve (AUC) Typically refers to the AUC of a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, used to evaluate the performance of a binary classifier by measuring its ability to distinguish between classes.
Common Language Effect Size A probability-based effect size that expresses the likelihood that a randomly chosen score from one group will be higher than a randomly chosen score from another group.

Multiple Comparison Correction Options

Method Description
Bonferroni A correction method that adjusts the p-value threshold by dividing it by the number of comparisons, controlling for Type I errors in multiple testing.
Sidak A correction method similar to Bonferroni but less conservative, adjusting p-values assuming the tests are independent.
Holm A step-down method that sequentially adjusts p-values to control the family-wise error rate, providing more power than Bonferroni.
Benjamini-Hochberg A method that controls the false discovery rate (FDR) by ranking p-values and applying a less stringent correction, increasing power in large datasets.
Benjamini-Yekutieli An extension of the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure that controls the FDR under dependency assumptions among tests.
None No correction is applied to the p-values, which increases the likelihood of Type I errors in multiple testing.


Combination Outputs

Combination Data

A csv file containing the combined trace and event rate data from all recordings in each group. Here is an example outputs:

Epoch Cell Trace Activity Trace file Eventrate Activity Eventrate file
Example1 0 0.0738 Traces1.csv 0.0000 Eventrate1.csv
Example1 1 0.0650 Traces1.csv 0.0050 Eventrate1.csv
Example1 2 0.1505 Traces1.csv 0.0550 Eventrate1.csv
Example1 3 0.0641 Traces1.csv 0.0150 Eventrate1.csv
Example1 4 0.0893 Traces1.csv 0.0050 Eventrate1.csv

Combination Previews

The combination figures will show a separate preview for both trace activity and event rate in each group as a box plot in the top row, and the pairwise difference in activity between each combination of epochs in the subsequent rows.

Correlation Combination Data

The correlation data is combined separately because we are comparing the average positive and negative correlation from each recording rather than a per cell measurement. Below is an example output:

file Epoch Average Positive Correlation Average Negative Correlation
correlation_file_1.npy Example1 0.130 -0.106
correlation_file_1.npy Example2 0.129 -0.110
correlation_file_1.npy Example3 0.078 -0.061
correlation_file_2.npy Example1 0.126 -0.114
correlation_file_2.npy Example2 0.111 -0.107
correlation_file_2.npy Example3 0.089 -0.071

Correlation Combination Previews

The combination figures will show a preview of the average positive correlation and average negative correlation in each group as a box plot.

ANOVA Comparison Ouputs

The ANOVA comparison outputs will show the results of both the 1-way ANOVA and the 2-way mixed-design ANOVA for all metrics. Here is an example output:

Comparison Source SS DF1 DF2 MS F p-unc np2 eps
Trace Group 0.0382 1 2 0.0382 1.9128 0.3008 0.4889
Trace Epoch 0.0003 2 4 0.0001 0.5938 0.5946 0.2289 0.5585
Trace Interaction 0.0002 2 4 0.0001 0.5002 0.6399 0.2001
Event Group 0.0004 1 2 0.0004 0.2006 0.6981 0.0912
Event Epoch 0.0010 2 4 0.0005 0.8253 0.5011 0.2921 0.5049
Event Interaction 0.0013 2 4 0.0006 1.0903 0.4189 0.3528
Positive Correlation Group 0.0481 1 2 0.0481 12.3190 0.0725 0.8603
Positive Correlation Epoch 0.0020 2 4 0.0010 2.1840 0.2285 0.5220 0.8948
Positive Correlation Interaction 0.0006 2 4 0.0003 0.6762 0.5585 0.2527
Negative Correlation Group 0.0481 1 2 0.0481 18.8521 0.0492 0.9041
Negative Correlation Epoch 0.0029 2 4 0.0015 2.0584 0.2429 0.5072 0.6889
Negative Correlation Interaction 0.0005 2 4 0.0003 0.3761 0.7085 0.1583

Here is a description of the columns:

Column Name Description
Comparison The metric being compared (Trace, Event, Positive Correlation, Negative Correlation)
Source The source of the variance (Group, Epoch, Interaction)
SS The sum of squares
DF1 The degrees of freedom for each source of variation.
DF2 The degrees of freedom associated with the residual error (i.e., the variance that is not explained by the model)
MS The mean square (SS / DF1)
F The F-statistic
p-unc The uncorrected p-value
np2 The partial eta-squared effect size
eps The epsilon value, which is a measure of sphericity

Mixed-Design ANOVA Previews

The mixed-design ANOVA figures will show a preview of the data in each group and epoch, colored by group. It will also display the p-values of the Group, Epoch, and Interaction effects.

There will be a separate figure for each metric (trace, event rate, correlation).

Pairwise Comparison Outputs

The pairwise comparison outputs will show the results of both the single group pairwise comparisons and the two group pairwise comparisons for all metrics. Here is an example output:

Comparison Contrast Epoch A B Paired Parametric T dof alternative p-unc p-corr p-adjust BF10 CLES
Trace Epoch - Example1 Example2 True True 0.9071 3.0 two-sided 0.4312 1.0 holm 0.580 0.5000
Trace Epoch - Example1 Example3 True True 0.8047 3.0 two-sided 0.4799 1.0 holm 0.547 0.5000
Trace Epoch - Example2 Example3 True True -0.3591 3.0 two-sided 0.7433 1.0 holm 0.451 0.4375
Trace Group - Drug Vehicle False True 1.3830 2.0 two-sided 0.3008 0.912 1.0000
Trace Epoch * Group Example1 Drug Vehicle False True 1.2697 2.0 two-sided 0.3319 0.8114 holm 0.873 1.0000
Trace Epoch * Group Example2 Drug Vehicle False True 1.4023 2.0 two-sided 0.2959 0.8114 holm 0.919 1.0000
Trace Epoch * Group Example3 Drug Vehicle False True 1.5084 2.0 two-sided 0.2705 0.8114 holm 0.958 1.0000
Event Epoch - Example1 Example2 True True 0.5609 3.0 two-sided 0.6140 1.0 holm 0.485 0.4375

Here is a description of the columns:

Column Name Description
Comparison The metric being compared (Trace, Event, Positive Correlation, Negative Correlation)
Contrast The type of contrast being made
Epoch The epoch being compared
A The first group being compared
B The second group being compared
Paired Whether the comparison is paired
Parametric Whether the comparison is parametric
T The t-statistic
dof The degrees of freedom
alternative The alternative hypothesis
p-unc The uncorrected p-value
p-corr The corrected p-value
p-adjust The multiple comparison correction method
BF10 The Bayes Factor
Effect Size The effect size chosen to be calculated

Pairwise Comparison Previews

The pairwise comparison figures show the same data as the ANOVA figures, but with the pairwise comparisons p-values displayed on the plot instead of the ANOVA results. The p-values displayed are the pairwise comparison of each group at each epoch.

Single Group Previews

The previews for the single group comparisons will be attached to both the ANOVA and pairwise comparison outputs, because it displayed both the ANOVA results and the pairwise comparison results.