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This tool uses 1.0 compute credits per hour.

Zone Occupancy Analysis

This tool analyzes and summarizes zone occupancy based on the center of the tracked bounding box and user-defined zones to output the following metrics:

  • Total Time in Zone: The cumulative time the subject spent in each zone, calculated from the number of frames spent in each zone.
  • Zone area: Calculates the areas of the annotated zones within the FOV (Field of view).
  • Occupancy Score: Occupation score is a metric derived from the actual zone occupation / expected zone occupation, where the expected zone occupation is the number of frames multiplied by the ratio of the area of the zone and the total area of all zones specified. Occupation scores greater than 1 represent occupation times greater than if the subject spent uniform time in every zone relative to its area.
  • Number of Zone Entries and exits: The number of times the subject entered and exited each zone.
  • Length of Zone Occupancy Events: Duration of continuous periods of zone occupancy.
  • Average Speed in Zone: The average speed of the subject in each zone.
  • Instantaneous speed in zone: Calculated from the distance between consecutive keypoint estimates


Parameter Required? Default Description
Tracking File True N/A Experiment annotations file containing tracking coordinates
Zones File True N/A A .CSV file describing zones of interest
X Column Name True Bounding Box Center X The name of the x-coordinate column in the experiment annotations file
Y Column Name True Bounding Box Center Y The name of the y-coordinate column in the experiment annotations file
Time Column Name True Frame Timestamp (s) The name of the time column in the experiment annotations file
Unit of Time False seconds The unit of time the data was sampled at
Zone Column Name False N/A An optional parameter to specify if the tracking data contains a pre-defined zone identity column
Filter Speed False True Flag indicating whether to apply a gaussian filter on the speed estimates
Speed Filter Kernel False 9 This determines how many neighboring values are considered in the filtering process. it's usually an odd number (e.g., 3, 5, 7) to have a symmetrical filter
Speed Filter Size False 1 The size of the gaussian filter to apply on the speed estimates. this is in units of standard deviation, also known as sigma
Pixels Per Cm False N/A Number of pixels in a centimeter



The tool expects two inputs. The first input is a tracking.csv file, which is in the IDEAS experiment annotations format. This format requires annotations to be structured in a table with one time-point (i.e., frame) per row, and one or more columns for annotations (e.g., x and y). This tool expects the following collumns: * Tracking point X: The x coordinate of the center of the bounding box. * Tracking point Y: The y coordinate of the center of the bounding box. * Zone Name: The name of the zone if the center of the bounding box is within a zone. * Frame Timestamp: The time of the frame in either seconds (s) or microseconds (us).

An example of a table that can be used as input to this tool is shown below:

Global Frame Number Movie Number Local Frame Number Frame Timestamp (s) Bounding Box Left Bounding Box Top Bounding Box Right Bounding Box Bottom Bounding Box Center X Bounding Box Center Y Confidence Zone ID Zone Name
20 0 20 1.00 51.56 155.91 133.80 224.07 92.68 189.99 31.01 4272235054 Rectangular Zone
21 0 21 1.05 55.21 154.12 127.26 226.53 91.23 190.32 15.08 4272235054 Rectangular Zone
22 0 22 1.10

The second input is a zones.csv file, which is a table with one row per zone and columns for the zone name, and the zone vertices. The vertices can be specified as a list of x and y coordinates for each vertex, or as a center and major and minor axis for an ellipse. This tool expects the following columns:

  • Name: The name of the zone.
  • Type: The type of the zone, this will be rectangle, polygon, or ellipse.
  • X # and Y #: A series of columns representing the X coordinates of the zone. If the type is ellipse, then the columns will be X 0, Y 0, for the centerpoint. If the type is rectangle, then the columns will be X 0, Y 0 through X 3, Y 3. If the type is polygon, then the columns will be X 0, Y 0 through X n, Y n.
  • Major & Minor Axis: The major and minor axis diameters of the ellipse.
  • Angle: The angle of the major axis of the ellipse.

An example of a table that can be used as input to this tool is shown below:

An example of a table that can be used as input to this tool is shown below:

ID Enabled Name Description Type X 0 Y 0 X 1 Y 1 X 2 Y 2 X 3 Y 3 X 4 Y 4 Major Axis Minor Axis Angle
1705078995618 1 Ellipse Zone ellipse 179.315 422.524 94.6154 19.6036 90
1705079284270 1 Rectangular Zone rectangle 78.4144 54.4471 471.629 54.4471 471.629 295.604 78.4144 295.604
1705079359582 1 Polygon Zone polygon 212.18 321.923 329.802 320.769 340.18 390 416.288 340.385 471.64 368.077 254.847 447.692

Valid tracking.csv and the zones.csv file can be generated from an .isxb file using Extract Tracking Data From nVision Movie.

Valid Inputs

Source Parameter File Type File Format
Tracking File experiment_annotations csv
Zones File movie_zones csv

Total Time in Zone

Total time is calculated by summing the number of frames.

Zone Area

Zone area is calculated the following way:

  • Polygons (including rectangle): are calculated using the shoelace formula
  • Ellipse: π * major axis * minor axis

Occupancy Score

Occupation score is a metric derived from the actual zone occupation / expected zone occupation. Specifically:

Number of frames spent in zone / Number of total frames * (Area of zone / Total area described by all zones)

Occupation scores greater than 1 represent occupation times greater than if the subject spent uniform time in every zone relative to its area.

Number of Zone Entries

The number of times the subject entered each zone.

Length of Zone Occupancy Events

Duration of continuous periods of zone occupancy.

Instantaneous Speed Calculation

Instantaneous speed is calculated from keypoint estimates by computing the Euclidean distance between consecutive centers of the bounding box and dividing by the time difference between consecutive frames. If the Pixels Per Cm parameter is specified, then the speed is converted from px/s to cm/s.


Summary Table

The summary table is a .csv file which contains the results of the zone occupancy analysis. It contains the following columns:

  • Zone Name
  • Total Time Spent (s)
  • Zone Area (Square Pixels)
  • Occupancy Score
  • Number of Entrances
  • Average Duration (s)

Speed Table

The speed table is a .csv in the experiment annotations format and returns the instantaneous speed for each frame. It contains the following columns:

  • Global Frame Number
  • Frame Timestamp (s)
  • Zone Name
  • Speed

Events Table

The Events table is a .h5 in the event time stamps format and returns the timestamps of zone entries and exits.


The output annotations file will have the following previews which visualize the results.

Zone Occupancy Overview:

Summary of subject zone occupancy. Top panel shows zone occupation as a function of time. Bottom panel shows occupancy score as a function of time.

Total Time Spent in Each Zone:

The cumulative time (in seconds) the subject spent in each zone

Total Occupancy Score:

The cumulative occupancy score across the entire session.

Number of Zone Entries:

Summary showing the number of times the subject entered each zone.

Length of Zone Occupancy Events:

Box plots with strip plot overlaid showing the distribution of durations the subject spent continuously in each zone. Each dot represents a single period.

Instantaneous Speeds:

Box plots with strip plot overlaid showing the distributions of instantaneous speeds for each zone. Each dot represents an instantaneous speed computed from a single time point.

Next Steps

After running this tool, the outputs of this tool can be used as inputs to other tools.

The zone_events.h5 output can be used to compare neural activity surrounding zone events using:

  1. Peri-Event Analysis Workflow

The time_series_data.csv can be synchronized to a corresponding .isxd file using Map Annotations To ISXD Data, which can then be used as input to the following tools to observe differences in neural activity in different zones:

  1. Compare Neural Activity Across States
  2. Compare Neural Circuit Correlations Across States