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Trim Movie

Compute Credits

This tool uses 0.5 compute credits per hour.


This tool removes frames from a miniscope movie.

This should be applied to an imported or preprocessed miniscope movie that contains corrupt frames that were not marked as dropped frames during acquisition. Alternatively, this may be used to generate a small segment of a miniscope movie for quick experimentation.

Input Data

Input Data Description Required
Input Movie Miniscope movie to trim. Yes


Parameters Default Value Description
Crop Segments Frame segments to trim from the movie. Input should be a series of comma-separated 2-element tuples, each of which represents the start and end frames to trim. For example, (0,1),(10,13),(57,61),(95,99) will remove frames 0 to 1, 10 to 13, 57 to 61, and 95 to 99 from the movie.
Keep Start Time False Retain the start time of the movie even if frames are trimmed from the beginning of the movie. This must be a boolean value.

Algorithm Description

This operation generates a new movie file where the frames and frame ranges marked to be trimmed are not included and are marked as “cropped” frames. Any frames that are trimmed from the beginning or the end are removed from the output movie.

The frame numbers are inclusive and represent global frame numbers.

Only set Keep Start Time to True if you are interested in manually performing the behavior of the Trim Early Frames option in the Preprocessing algorithm when that option is not available for certain movies.

Output Data

Trimmed Movie

The miniscope movie with the specified frames trimmed off.