• What’s the difference between the IDPS Python API and pyisx?

    • The IDPS (Inscopix Data Processing Software) Python API is a python package included with the IDPS GUI application. pyisx is an open-source version of this package, which contains the exact same functionality (excluding any algorithms), and can be installed without installing the entire IDPS application.

  • Does this package include algorithms from the IDPS Python API?

    • No, currently the algorithms from the IDPS Python API are not included in pyisx

  • What’s the difference between pyisx and isx?

    • pyisx project is a python binding for isxcore, a C++ API for interacting with Inscopix data.

    • isx is the python package for this project, with pre-built binaries available on pypi.

  • How do I file a bug report or a feature request?

    • If you have found a bug, we recommend searching the issues page to see if it has already been reported. If not, please open a new issue.

    • If you have a feature request, please open a new issue with the label enhancement.

  • Can I use this in my own projects?

    • Absolutely! pyisx is an open-source project and free to use. Please refer to the (license)[#license] for more details on usage guidelines.